April 4, 2021 Salty Air Publishing Newsletter

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Sunrise: 6:21 EDT
April 4, 2021 - Falmouth, MA
In this issue:
When is enough enough?
Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn
DALYs - Disability Adjusted Life Years
Writing Tools - Scrivener
How about a free book or two?
PHR books
PHR Work-in-Progress
When is enough enough?

Many years ago -  several life-times ago, back when had more hair on the top of my head - I worked on an assembly line building projection televisions. I had taken a correspondence course in electronics and thought it would be interesting to put these TVs together. I can't say that I knew what I was doing but there were terrific people around me who did. And beside they were really interesting. Among them there was the guy who set up the tuners who smoked dope in the parking lot at lunch and got off on all the pretty colors on the screen. There was a classical cellist who would play in the lunch room. It was a fun group.

Eventually they promoted me to one of the final test technicians. My first sets took me hours to get aligned. But after a hundred or so, I could do it in minutes. For those first sets, I would align one element and then another which would pull the first element out of alignment. And when I went to the third, the first two would have changed. Gradually I learned that all the alignments happened together. The TV was a system. Too much adjusting and tweaking can be worse than not enough.

A book is a system too. All the words work together to paint the story. You definitely have to edit and edit and rewrite and rewrite, but it is important to know when it's right and stop tweaking.

Stay well,
Paul H. Raymer
Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn
Thrillers & Suspense

Do you ever wonder how authors can embed themselves into the minds of characters, characters who are purely evil or mentally deranged. Where do those horrific thoughts come from? I suppose it's better to write them down than manifest them in reality.

Gone Girl is written from binary first person points of view - alternating between Amy Elliott Dunne and her husband, Nick Dunne. The book gets off to a slow start, to the point where I almost abandoned it. Too many books too little time. But this book was listed as one of the top mysteries of the past decade AND it was made into a movie starring Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike so something has to happen, and it does.

Amy is amazing and she says so. She is a shape shifter who plans those futures shifts well in advance so that she can punish those who offend her. In her diary at the beginning of the book, Amy seems to be sweetness and light. She was brought up as a star in her parents' children's book series. Everyone loves her and is devastated when she disappears. But she has set it up to point the finger at Nick as the perpetrator who has been cheating on her.

The author does paint herself into a corner, and although how she steps out of it is reasonable, it's a bit of a stretch. There are also details of money and timing that bother me and I think that Nick, the husband, although seriously badly treated could have done better and doesn't come out of this story well.

This is one of those stories that I felt the reader was not treated kindly.
DALYs - Disability Adjusted Life Years

Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) is a measurement of reduced healthy life on a scale developed by the World Health Organization (WHO). It is a measurement of the gap between current health status and an ideal health situation where the entire populaiton lives to an advanced age, free of disease and disability. For example, a 5-year illness that reduces the quality of life to 4/5 of a previously active healthy year is valued at one DALY lost. Smoking lowers life expectancy by 10 years.

There are many, many elements that effect the length of a life starting from before we are born. We don't have data on the health of occupants in energy tight houses. We're sealing up everything from windows and doors to light fixtures and heating systems. Much of that effort is directed at energy savings, but part of it is to establish control of where air is coming into the house and where it is leaking out. Air sealing not only saves energy but it also reduces uncontrolled moisture intrusion as well as pest entry pathways.

Tight houses are great for a lot of reasons and we're spending more time in them. Mechanical ventilation is often rejected by utility programs because new air moving into the house has to be reconditioned and that costs money. By using DALYs, we can connect ventilation to dollars the way we connect insulation and air sealing to dollars.

Bad indoor air quality effects health and bad health effects productivity and poor ventilation impacts indoor air quality. All that works out to be about $400/person/year in lost productivity. And that is how the cost of ventilation can be monetized.
Writing Tools - Scrivener

I have been using Scrivener on my Mac for close to 10 years. I really love the software. It does so many things. I tried the Windows version, but was not impressed. But on the Mac it is awesome. Years ago I bought into a program called Learn Scrivener Fast by Joseph Michael. It's a terrific program and got me rocking along. But I forgot a lot of the stuff, and when I tried to get back there recently because I wanted to resurrect my editing skills, my password wouldn't work.

So I shrugged my proverbial shoulders and figured that was that, but I sent Joseph a note just in case. Imagine my glee when they got back to me with an updated password and a new site with all sorts of new goodies! Now that's great customer service.

So I would heartily endorse Scrivener (for the Mac) and the Learn Scrivener Fast support software. Don't be put off by all the grinning marketing hype.
How about a free book or two?

BookFunnel provides a means for a group of authors to get together to give away copies of their books in return for adding subscribers to their mailing lists. I have not read any of these books (except my own, of course) so I can't attest to the quality of the contents. However, you can't beat the price! These are all classified as Mystery & Suspense.
Click for Free Books!
PHR Books
Residential Ventilation Handbook V2
Recalculating Truth
Death at the Edge of the Diamond
Also available on-line and in fine bookshops.
PHR Work-in-Progress
The new novel - Second Law - is moving along extremely well, thank you. First draft is complete. Moving on to editing!
If you enjoyed this issue, please share it. Thank you!
See my website for more information: www.SaltyAirPublishing.com
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